Sharing Google Play?

Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Galaxy Note 5
I did a search and came up empty handed. On our old iphones my husband could just use my app store account while using his apple ID everywhere else on the phone.

My parents are getting S4's today and they each have their own Gmail accounts.

Is there anyway that their phones have their own google account info but they can share one google play account?

I tried a search on the forums and online and couldn't get a straight answer. Thanks everyone!

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
They could sign in with each of their Google accounts on each phone, then in the play store just pick which account they want to use.

on the move..
@popcenator where do they go to do that so I can tell them?

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."
If they stay logged into the same account all the time, they'll also share Gmail. contacts, and calendars. If they don't stay in the same account all the time, they'll have to switch back and forth to load new apps, and stand the chance of corrupting their contacts, calendars, and Gmail. Seems like a lot of hassle to save a couple of bucks.
I would have them set up a new gmail acct that is only used for buying apps on.

Then have that account on both phones with play set to it.
To change acct in the play store, swipe in from left and there is a drop down menu to pick from the ACCTS on the phone
You can stay logged in and leave Gmail and contacts unsynced, but still be able to use the play store on one account or the other.

on the move..
You may have to sign in under the system settings - accounts first, then go into whichever account is no theirs and leave the apps they don't want synced unchecked.

on the move..
Thanks everyone. Doing a Gmail JUST for Google play is a good idea

~ Beth ~

"Be nice to those you meet on the way up because you will meet them on the way down."