Should get my Nexus Tomorrow

I dont want to activate it, its from verizon. How do I unlock it w/out activating?

I am not so sure that there is a trick to bypass activation on the VZW GNex. I think you just have to let it keep trying until it gives up haha.

Otherwise, the unlocking/rooting/ROMing process is no different with or without activation.
yeah im not worried about the root. But i may just return the nexus before I bother. Im so sick of verizons s*it. My phone went from 49.99 to 130.36
why'd it go up in price? Taxes and shipping shouldn't be that much...
49.99 + 30 "upgrade fee" + Taxes ($649 x 7.5%) = 130

I may return it and get it from costco if I can, they can get around the tax. I cant believe they charge $649 for a phone I can buy unlocked from google play for 249. WTF is that ****? Well it went up to 349 on play but still....