If you are really interested in Rooting, than by all means DO ROOT. I have helped many root their devices, when getting started there are 2 apps I recommend using ,
1) Caller ID Backup and the second is 2)
SMS Backup begin by backing up your call history and then backup all of your text messages. Make sure to store these items on the SD Card or the Storage1 Card which refers to the same. If ever the event occurs where you have wipe or erase or delete the data on the Internal or Storage 0, if you have stored to this
default location, nothing will be there when you try to recover.
At the top of this "Hacks" section you can get an idea of how to ROOT, if not there are plenty of people and talented Moderators who will help you. Most people when they root, they do so because they want some level of control over their device, such as the ability to create backups of their apps and information, install Ad blockers to prevent those annoying ads, or remove apps that will not normally disappear. I always recommend installing a Recovery, whether it is Safestrap or any of the others, if you have taken the time to make your settings the way you want them, it is a good feeling to be able to save them. If the ROM crashes or doesn't work right at a later point simple restore it to the best version you created. I am always jumping between ROMs through the backups that I created, making them better, more usable just better for what I need them for. On your Journey, start by backing up, and always keep a backup, it is better to have one than to start over, believe me.:biggrin: