show word suggestions


Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
NEWB here....thanks to all in advance...this place ROCKS!

question (probably asked and answered SOMWHERE already):

the virtual keyboard shows word suggestions along the top when typing...but NOT the physical slide out keyboard. I think I'd use the physical one more, and better...if it had the line of suggested words across the top...

the larger virtual (landscape) keyboard has it....

Thanks again all!! :) :icon_ peace:
The physical keyboard has the option for 'quick fixes' (like teh to the) but the word suggestion is not part of it for the reason that it's assumed if you're typing on the physical keyboard the amount of error in typing would be far less than with the on screen keyboard :)
it's assumed if you're typing on the physical keyboard the amount of error in typing would be far less than with the on screen keyboard :)

Boy did they get that one wrong! not with that little keyboard, and my banana fingers!!

once again, you should never makes...well, you all know.....

thanks for the fast, yet unhelpful reply!
