Slacker update issues


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
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I put the new slacker update on my Droid yesterday and it will only play for a few seconds before it freezes up, stops playing, and I have to force close it. Any ideas? Also, I don't know if its this update, but my phone is running slower now.
I got the update last night but haven't used it since. Ill try it out now and see if I have the same problems

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But I have noticed that my phone has been lagginga little more than usual this morning. No clue if one had to do with the other

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i just went through about 3 songs, no problems, audio seems fine, no lagging, no freezing, no FC's. have you downloaded anything else besides the slacker update? it might be another app you installed causing your problems and it's just interfering with slacker.
Thanks for checking. I think I have put some other new apps on there. I'll test it out and try to figure out which one it may be. Thanks for your help!
My slacker works fine after the update while playing and I haven't had it disappear on me yet when i go back to my home screen but I did have slacker give me 2 force closes today while I didn't even have the app running..then again helix2 has been force closing on me the past few days so it maybe related to that for some reason.
Back with another update from my issue testing for you. I didnt experience any problems WHILE using Slacker but everytime I paused to stop listening and went back to the home screen, about 20 minutes later of not using Slacker, it would force close. Happened about 3 times. Still no freezing while using it, just these force closes 20 minutes after I stop.

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Well, its not freezing up on me now, but the force closes are driving me crazy!!
Refresh Failed! Error Code: 0

Has anyone gotten this error code in Slacker when trying to refresh the cached stations? Fortunately I was able to cache them just yesterday and haven't gotten to listen to more than a couple of hours, so I'm sure there's still lots of great music to which to listen. I awoke to this post's title's message and error code having left my phone on through the night to auto-refresh the stations. I clicked on the button on the bottom of the cached stations screen to try to refresh again, was taken to the last refresh screen (which says was 7 minutes ago but also shows the status of "error"), click on the "refresh now" button, get what looks like it's actualy begun (refresh progress bar with a start of red showing progress) but keep getting the same message, Refresh Failed! Error Code: 0.