SLCD vs AMOLED screen for DI?


Aug 3, 2010
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hey all. i hope it's ok posting links to articles...mods, edit this out please if i'm wrong.

DROID Incredible Shipping with SLCD Screens “End of September” | Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

turns out the droid incredible will indeed transition to an SLCD screen, as opposed to its current AMOLED screen. so you can either head to the stores now and grab one with its original screen or wait a few weeks when the phones production line introduces the new one.

my question: which is better? what are the specs for each screen? i'm really not a screen expert, so i'm looking for another's wisdom on this one.

EDIT: this MAY belong in the technicals section of Droid Incredible..i'm not sure.
When it was first announced I remember reading somewhere that the slcd would eliminate the washout. Glad to see that possibility has been answered

sent from my Incredible via SlideIT on Tapatalk
the screens seem comperable to each other. Vairous good aspects for both and not so good. But really, who holds their phone at an angle to perform tasks on the device? Nonetheless, a good comparison angle to show differences. I'd hardly expect there to be much of a sharp noticable difference. Although, I guess, preferences vary. That was a good link above regarding the HTC Desire screens.