SLOW or Never able to download MMS after OTA push

Ja5on L

Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
I searched but nothing came up. It seem's that after this OTA push my MMS takes forever. I went through every phone setting, I have auto retrieve on, also went into the mobile networks section and clicked "data always on" (or whatever it is) Pulled battery etc etc. Will call Tech later and see what they have to say but not sure what the deal is. Anyone else have this issue?
I searched but nothing came up. It seem's that after this OTA push my MMS takes forever. I went through every phone setting, I have auto retrieve on, also went into the mobile networks section and clicked "data always on" (or whatever it is) Pulled battery etc etc. Will call Tech later and see what they have to say but not sure what the deal is. Anyone else have this issue?
I have had this problem since even before the update... my MMS always show up with a little box that says "download?" and then I click it and it says downloading but nothing ever happens. I'm using Handcent if that makes a difference.
I had mms probs yesterday. Seemed like 3g was on the fritz. Better today though. Has it been more than just yesterday?