Smart Action =56% after 2 days


Jan 2, 2012
Reaction score
I don't remember seeing this on here anywhere. I have just received my RAZR Maxx replacement not 2 weeks ago I was tinkering the the smart actions and set up 2 one for "Day", and one for "Battery Saver Plus" the first turns on Data, Sync, Sets Auto Brightness, and 1 minute screen timeout with screen on 6:00am- 1:00 am. The second disables data, sync, gps, wifi, screen brightness minimum and time out 15 seconds! maximum battery saving) with screen off, non-charging. Added no motion but seems unreliable so removed. Motorola needs to add enable 3G/4G action though could possibly go a week without having to charge then!
Impressive... most impressive -darth vader. ....sorry watching Empire right now...
Most impressive is when I get 3G/4G smart action toggle, especially on location based via mobile location not wifi.
Location retrieval by GPS, Wifi, or Mobile Network option
3G/4G mobile data enabled
Motion/No Motion toggle
Specific Wifi Spot Available (not necessarily connected)
Connect to Non-Specific Available Open Wifi Spot
TuneIn auto play station on launch
Timed interval actions i.e. Every 5/10/15/30/60/120 minutes
Needs to be more if, when, then, instead, based options.
If open Wifi access point available connect if connected disable mobile data, gps, blue tooth, if unable to connect then enable 3G data, disable wifi, blue tooth, gps. If 4G connection speed less than 100mb/s enable 3G data interval 30 minutes retest 4G if mobile networking tower location detected enable 4G. If connected over wifi/100mbs enable data sync. That kind of stuff.
That would be sweet... a week on one charge might not be that crazy with those options...
Set it up to always off unless you have open Wifi available, if not and app request data connection then it would auto enable 4G or 3G depending on connection speeds/needed data transfer i.e. If over 300mb then enable 4G. Never be stuck in a spotty 4G area with your phone in 4G mode draining battery struggling to maintain a connection or random drops. Eliminating app necessity for ATK or Juice Defender. Automatically using the connection best suited for the job and if app request data connection isn't available in specified time 15,30,60,90 seconds auto kill app/task.
Very nice... i havent gone as in depth as you but i think i will now...
When app opens (alarm clock)>Enable Mobile Data, Enable Wifi, open Skivy>read today's calendar>then launch TuneIn auto play station 96 Rock Cincinnati>
Why do you enable wifi AND data if i may ask?
Sorry posted it without getting to finish it. If Wifi enabled and connect to access point then disable mobile data. If no wifi connection then enable Mobile Data if connection signal/speed less than parameters enable 3G disable 4G. All the things that could be done if they would allow standard programming arguments in an "Advanced Smart Actions" menu would give us greater flexibility.