So I returned my Nexus...long Story!

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Apr 29, 2011
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After 13 days of owning the Nexus I decided to return it and continue to use my Droid X until something better comes along. While I love 4g, the big beautiful screen, and ICS, I couldnt justify spending $300 on a phone that cant even get a decent 3g signal. Let me explain... While on a road trip to Denver from San Diego we encountered heavy traffic all of the way from Norco to Barstow. It took us over 5 hours just to get to Barstow from San Diego which is normally a 2-3 hour drive. So with the 15 still a parking lot after Barstow and 16 hours more of driving to Denver my wife and I decided to turn around and head home. We pull into a parking lot in Barstow to cancel our hotel reservations and I pick up my Gnex to call and nothing, no 3g/4g, no internet, no nothing! In order not to get charged 1 nights stay at the hotel I had to cancel within 24 hours and that deadline was approaching fast. I literally had 5 minutes to make that call or I would be eating over $100 for the room. So then I pick up the wife's Droid X and what do you know, full bar 3g, full connectivity! I made the call, cancelled the reservation, and we on our way home. The year and a half old phone came to the rescue! What really made up my mind was when I went to pick up the Gnex when we got back on the road and it was dead. It turned itself off and it took me 20 minutes with many battery pulls to get it going again.

Some people are going to say that my phone is defective, or that its just a software issue... blah blah blah! The fact is we are paying $300 for a phone that doesnt do what is advertised. Lets be honest here, Samsung isnt known for the greatest hardware, the phone is all plastic, the camera cant take a clear photo to save its life and ICS is just as buggy as gingerbread. Sorry but Google and Samsung have let us all down with this phone. I didnt mean for this to turn into a rant but I'm sick and tired of being a Beta tester. Yes the 4g is great! Yes the Screen is awesome! But no 3g when there is clearly a good signal from another phone! I give this phone a "COME ON MAN!!".
...the phone is all plastic, the camera cant take a clear photo to save its life and ICS is just as buggy as gingerbread...

Yes the phone is all plastic, but how is it cheap? I have yet to see why everyone is *griping about the build quality. The camera is good, just don't use the quick shot feature. Let it focus then shoot, or use a different camera app to make it easier. Lol, ICS is no where near as buggy as gingerbread.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
If your phone takes 20 minutes and multiple battery pulls to get it started again, dont you think there is something wrong with the phone? I've had zero connection issues, other than the national outages.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
If your phone takes 20 minutes and multiple battery pulls to get it started again, dont you think there is something wrong with the phone? I've had zero connection issues, other than the national outages.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

+1 i have since day one and with the exception of rooting it i never even restarted it. Got the exact same reception as my og and razr everywhere in San Diego.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Did this perhaps happen during Verizon's 4G/LTE outage?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
My house is in a 4g fringe area, one side gets full 3g while another part gets about 3-4 bars of 4g. Based on many people's complaints about the Nexus having problems switching between 4g and 3g constantly you would think I have problems, I have none. While this doesn't relate to what you are saying, this does - my son has an iPhone 4s (obviously no 4g) and he barely gets 3g connectivity anywhere in the house. There are dead spots for him and his speed tests have yet to go above 1megabyte per second while mine are reaching 2-3 on 3g. Yes, I know my examples are isolated incidents and yours truly was as bad as you say, but please give it a second chance. For reference the only battery pull I have had to was when flashing something and my phone went into bootloop, so I really think something is off with your Nexus.

If not, good luck with the X. It really is a great phone.
My experiences have been exactly the opposite - I couldn't be happier. But I've been saying that pretty much since day one.

My comment has to do with build quality. I'm unsure where this sentiment comes from but I think Samsung has WAY better hardware than HTC or Motorola. I had the OG droid, played around with a lot of HTC devices, and owned a Fascinate and now a Nexus. The Samsung screens/hardware were great. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I'd prefer a Samsung phone over all other handset makers.
My experiences have been exactly the opposite - I couldn't be happier. But I've been saying that pretty much since day one.

My comment has to do with build quality. I'm unsure where this sentiment comes from but I think Samsung has WAY better hardware than HTC or Motorola. I had the OG droid, played around with a lot of HTC devices, and owned a Fascinate and now a Nexus. The Samsung screens/hardware were great. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I'd prefer a Samsung phone over all other handset makers.

Could not agree more! I love how my phone feels very thoughtfully designed, I always found motorola to be very industrial in their hardware and I love the little flourishes and the minimalist ideal behind the Nexus. The large expanse of the screen is barren and yet beautiful. The curvature of the body makes it fit wonderfully in my pocket and it fits and feels great in my hands as well. HTC, well they are great at making bricks. Maybe the Nexus is not as strong as the Razr but I have dropped mine 2-3 times once was on tile from 3 feet and it has no cracks or anything (naked.)

I love the feel of the Nexus, sometimes I take it out of my soft-shell case just to start at the expanse of the screen and roll it around in my hands. So thin and yet sturdy. :)
If your phone takes 20 minutes and multiple battery pulls to get it started again, dont you think there is something wrong with the phone? I've had zero connection issues, other than the national outages.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Could be an app causing the issue.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I have had ZERO reception problems. I'm getting the same signal I have always gotten with my original droid. I love this phone. You shouldn't let one bad experience sour you on the galaxy nexus(Sounds like you might have been in a bad mood from other factors when making this decision).....
I too am in the proses of returning my Nexus, Love the phone it was exactly what I expected. As for the plastic issue that everyone brings up think Lexan, if you ever tried to break or smash it with a hammer you would be thinking that this is some tuff ****. Not saying that the phone is made from this just a point about plastic being inferior.
My issues were mostly noise cancelation in my work environment I could most always hear everyone but for the people on the other end it was static and broken up. I also experienced numerous dropped calls; yes some happened during Verizon’s technical difficulties but also when running on CDMA only. So I do not have a choice to keep it or not as it only functions the best at home and I need a phone that can serve me nearly everywhere.
After 13 days of owning the Nexus I decided to return it and continue to use my Droid X until something better comes along. While I love 4g, the big beautiful screen, and ICS, I couldnt justify spending $300 on a phone that cant even get a decent 3g signal. Let me explain... While on a road trip to Denver from San Diego we encountered heavy traffic all of the way from Norco to Barstow. It took us over 5 hours just to get to Barstow from San Diego which is normally a 2-3 hour drive. So with the 15 still a parking lot after Barstow and 16 hours more of driving to Denver my wife and I decided to turn around and head home. We pull into a parking lot in Barstow to cancel our hotel reservations and I pick up my Gnex to call and nothing, no 3g/4g, no internet, no nothing! In order not to get charged 1 nights stay at the hotel I had to cancel within 24 hours and that deadline was approaching fast. I literally had 5 minutes to make that call or I would be eating over $100 for the room. So then I pick up the wife's Droid X and what do you know, full bar 3g, full connectivity! I made the call, cancelled the reservation, and we on our way home. The year and a half old phone came to the rescue! What really made up my mind was when I went to pick up the Gnex when we got back on the road and it was dead. It turned itself off and it took me 20 minutes with many battery pulls to get it going again.

Some people are going to say that my phone is defective, or that its just a software issue... blah blah blah! The fact is we are paying $300 for a phone that doesnt do what is advertised. Lets be honest here, Samsung isnt known for the greatest hardware, the phone is all plastic, the camera cant take a clear photo to save its life and ICS is just as buggy as gingerbread. Sorry but Google and Samsung have let us all down with this phone. I didnt mean for this to turn into a rant but I'm sick and tired of being a Beta tester. Yes the 4g is great! Yes the Screen is awesome! But no 3g when there is clearly a good signal from another phone! I give this phone a "COME ON MAN!!".

I feel your pain bro.... I had droid X and switched to GN.. Lasted about a week and got sick of dropped calls, crappy coverage and had to return it .. I loved my X but I love my new Razr twice as much !!
Sorry it didn't work out for ya. I've never had signal issues myself but I know its a known problem with many units.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
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