So is this part of the reception problem..


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I know my wifi works just fine in my house as my laptop and desktop are both connected to its just fine. Even my Nexus says it's got a fair signal strength but I know it's not transferring data because the icon in the top right is gray. For the first time I connected I had to turn my phone off then on to get it to connect but now I can't get it no matter what. I'm not rooted. Just got the phone last night. Does rooting fix this?
I know my wifi works just fine in my house as my laptop and desktop are both connected to its just fine. Even my Nexus says it's got a fair signal strength but I know it's not transferring data because the icon in the top right is gray. For the first time I connected I had to turn my phone off then on to get it to connect but now I can't get it no matter what. I'm not rooted. Just got the phone last night. Does rooting fix this?

I think there is A LOT of confusion on what the signal is. When your signals are doesnt mean you dont have a data means you arent connected to google servers (for apps like sync/gtalk/etc) When it is are fully connected to google servers...and data.

If you dont have a signal...there will be no 3g/4g/1x icons top left of your signal bars.

Personally I have zero signal issues...and havent had one on 2 replacement phones (1st phone battery drain was was hot...faulty battery, second phone earpiece speaker was "kazoo" like)...neither of them had signal issues, and the one Im on now doesnt suffer from signal issues.