So Last Night I'm Watching CSI....


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Premium Member
Nov 30, 2009
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N.E. Ohio
Well, it was from last Thursday night. And it starts off with this band and my first thought is this is great music. I'm listening and I'm wondering who it is and it kind of dawns on me that this is Rascal Flatts.

I'm a music snob. I look down on people who don't have elite taste in music, or at least what I consider elite taste in music. I'm also a bit older so I tend to like things that are 60's 70's 80's, those type of things. I don't do hip hop. I don't do rap, because that's not music.

See I told you I was a snob.:icon_ devil:

Anyway it's rare that I hear a song and like it on the first time but I got up this morning and couldn't get it off my mind. Now I am not a country music fan. As John Lennon said, "I like Rock and Roll man, not much else."

So I bought the whole freaken album, been playing it for quite a bit now and if this is country, what the hell was I listening to in the 70's?

Anyway, I think I'm going to be a Rascal Flatts fan. Makes me wonder what else is out there that is supposedly country that I'm not hearing.
My 19 year old daughter is almost a Rascal Flatts groupie, she loves the band so much...

I really tried to do country... I really's just not there for me, I guess. I like a couple of Charlie Daniels' old songs, but that's about it. I dislike Rascal Flatts because the lead singer's voice annoys me for some reason......
See that's what I think of as Country music. This to me sounds more like rock then Country. And I think the lead singer has a great voice.
See that's what I think of as Country music. This to me sounds more like rock then Country. And I think the lead singer has a great voice.

Too true, there's COUNTRY in the true sense of the word and then there's what is referred to as country music today. While there is a few random songs(not bands) that I like from today it's just not REAL COUNTRY imo.

Here I go gettin all snobby...

In the end the musical genres don't really apply to me, I always say there is only two kinds of music: Good Music and everything else. Good music is timeless and universal.

ps I do like some of Rascall Flatts stuff
See that's what I think of as Country music. This to me sounds more like rock then Country. And I think the lead singer has a great voice.

Too true, there's COUNTRY in the true sense of the word and then there's what is referred to as country music today. While there is a few random songs(not bands) that I like from today it's just not REAL COUNTRY imo.

Here I go gettin all snobby...

In the end the musical genres don't really apply to me, I always say there is only two kinds of music: Good Music and everything else. Good music is timeless and universal.

ps I do like some of Rascall Flatts stuff

I call it alternative country. It's not the traditional country that people think of all the time from past years, but a new age of country. It's similar to how there was rock, but now there like 40 different sub categories of it out there.
See that's what I think of as Country music. This to me sounds more like rock then Country. And I think the lead singer has a great voice.

Too true, there's COUNTRY in the true sense of the word and then there's what is referred to as country music today. While there is a few random songs(not bands) that I like from today it's just not REAL COUNTRY imo.

Here I go gettin all snobby...

In the end the musical genres don't really apply to me, I always say there is only two kinds of music: Good Music and everything else. Good music is timeless and universal.

ps I do like some of Rascall Flatts stuff

Well said. When it stands the test of time, that's what makes it great music.
I'm not going to lie, when I saw the preview for this thread I thought you were going to say how you heard a song that you liked in CSI, but didn't know what it was. So you pulled out your Droid, ran Shazam to see who it was, then downloaded the song in iMusic. Listened to it in full, then found the youtube video of it and posted it to your facebook account saying how you are now a fan, all while sitting on the couch watching the show. Haha, i guess our minds think differently.
I'm not going to lie, when I saw the preview for this thread I thought you were going to say how you heard a song that you liked in CSI, but didn't know what it was. So you pulled out your Droid, ran Shazam to see who it was, then downloaded the song in iMusic. Listened to it in full, then found the youtube video of it and posted it to your facebook account saying how you are now a fan, all while sitting on the couch watching the show. Haha, i guess our minds think differently.

Well, I didn't know the name of the song so I did go to Google on my computer and google Rascal Flatts and CSI, which led me to a You Tube video where I found the song. Then I went to and search MP3 for Rascal Flatts and Unstoppable came up so I downloaded to my iTunes.

Same thinking, just didn't do it with the Droid. I could have done it that way too. :)