Somewhat of an embarrassing question...


Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
So I just bought the extended battery with the 50% off I told you guys about a while ago (finally ha). My question for you guys is what's the first thing I should do with it? I hear some things that range from A-Z on what to do with a new battery. Yet, I'm not to sure if any of is true. I was hoping if I could get some forsure answers... For example, should I let it charge all the way before using it extensively/heavily?
Please help. Thanks in advance.

Sent from a Rezound!
It's not rocket science, but there are several old wives tales about batteries; some of which are hold overs from nickle cadmium batteries that developed "memory". Honestly, I would follow the same advice you get when you first get a new phone; charge it all the way before heavily using it and then don't worry. Some will tell you that you should run the battery all the way down, also referred to as cycling, or going through a charge cycle, but this is again a holdover from nickle batteries.

Modern lithium ion batteries perform best by being charged fully. This means its okay, and even best practice, to charge your phone before you get into the red.

So essentially, swap batteries before you go to bed, charge it up, and then enjoy your new extended battery! Just treat it as you would your current battery.

Sent from my Droid Incredible on 2.3.4 using the DroidForums app
So I just bought the extended battery with the 50% off I told you guys about a while ago (finally ha). My question for you guys is what's the first thing I should do with it? I hear some things that range from A-Z on what to do with a new battery. Yet, I'm not to sure if any of is true. I was hoping if I could get some forsure answers... For example, should I let it charge all the way before using it extensively/heavily?
Please help. Thanks in advance.

Sent from a Rezound!

Does not matter I normally drain mine all the way till it powers down then fully charge it but I've also just plugged it up and charged it right when I got I with these batterys it don't matter.

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Interesting stuff here. Thanks guys. So far so good with the battery.

Sent from a Rezound!