Sound 'hiccups' during music player use


Oct 31, 2009
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Hi all. I have a Droid on 2.0.1, this is my 3rd Droid now, my first one never got 2.0.1 and had dead pixels, the second one didn't fix the crackling problem after the 2.0.1 update, and this third one now has fixed both of those problems and is nearly flawless. Considering that nothing is perfect, I'm happy with my Droid.

I'm wondering if anyone can re-create a small issue I'm having with my Droid, or if anyone can attest to having the same issue pop up once in a while. Here's the issue:

It seems that when I am using the music player, once in a while if the Droid does certain things, the music will slightly, and I mean ever so slightly (.25 of a second, maybe .5 of a second in length) hiccup and the music will almost skip. I know it's not due to bad music, because, as I posted in another thread, all my music is ripped straight from store-bought CDs in perfect condition, and now I have a *few* tracks from Amazon MP3 within the last few days (got a coupon via e-mail for free downloads, $10 worth).

It seems that this issue happens most when the phone changes orientation (landscape to portrait, etc), when I open apps (can be anything... messaging, etc), and when I do other things, like when a page such as or is loading in the web browser.

Also, this happens sometimes when I'm driving in my car and I have the music player open and because of turning a corner or something, the phone shifts on the middle armrest and changes orientation (again, from landscape to portrait, etc.).

While it isn't a huge issue, it's a bit annoying - though at least now I can turn my phone up all the way and get good bass via my car stereo without severe crackling.

Thanks if anyone has feedback on this.

Glad you posted this because I am experiencing the same thing. After reading many different things about music syncing apps, I purposely waited until the official version of the missing sync was out (for Android) because as much as I love my Droid, I love my music more :)!!

I listen to music on the Droid while commuting back and forth to work (by train) and notice the very same hiccup. I had been thinking that maybe it was related to the 3G signal going in and out, so yesterday, during the walk from the train station to my house, I purposely held the phone in my hand and kept the display on so I could watch it. From what I can see, it has nothing to do with the 3G signal lock. The only apps that were active for me was mixzing (mp3 player) and email sync.

As I was typing this, I'm thinking that I did not have this problem prior to the 2.0.1 upgrade. I will have to go back and look at the date that I synced my music and the date that I got 2.0.1 and see how much of a gap there is. If there is a gap of 3-5 days, then I am going to attribute the hiccup I'm hearing to 2.0.1. I'll post back and let you know.
at the time of the skip r u getting emails r text messages
At least your music player works, somewhat. Mine is tempermental on when it wants to play the mp3's I have loaded. Some days it will, some days it won't. I get an error message stating it doesn't support that type of file, even though it played that same song the day before or even an hour before. Makes no sense to me!
JF, just out of curiosity, are you using the stock music player? I doubt this would have any effect, but still, would be good to know.
Yep, using the stock music player. Usually i have it open to the music player screen, meaning I'm not multi-tasking or switching into other apps (especially not while driving), and I still get these 'hiccups'.


Two updates. First, I looked at the dates of my first (and only) music sync to the Droid and it would appear that the 2.0.1 upgrade may have brought on this hiccup effect. My sync was done on 12/4 and I got the 2.0.1 upgrade the morning of the 10th. So my recollection is that I enjoyed hiccup free music for several days before the 2.0.1 upgrade.

The more important update is that I may have found a "fix" for the problem. I pulled the battery from the back of the Droid, reinserted, and powered on yesterday. Since that time, I listened to 30 minutes of music last night, and 30 minutes this morning, all with no hiccups :smile:. I don't want to declare victory yet, but so far, so good. Let me know if you've tried that already.

Two updates. First, I looked at the dates of my first (and only) music sync to the Droid and it would appear that the 2.0.1 upgrade may have brought on this hiccup effect. My sync was done on 12/4 and I got the 2.0.1 upgrade the morning of the 10th. So my recollection is that I enjoyed hiccup free music for several days before the 2.0.1 upgrade.

The more important update is that I may have found a "fix" for the problem. I pulled the battery from the back of the Droid, reinserted, and powered on yesterday. Since that time, I listened to 30 minutes of music last night, and 30 minutes this morning, all with no hiccups :smile:. I don't want to declare victory yet, but so far, so good. Let me know if you've tried that already.

I have the same hiccups/skipping problem. I'll try the battery pull now, worth a shot. I assume the problem has to do with tasks running in the background that are taking up CPU power, but can't confirm anything specific. I wonder if this is in the issues log that google maintains? I can never find that website when I want it.
Hey thanks for the battery pull suggestion. I hadn't tried that yet, but I did a battery pull last night and so far today I've had no hiccups or issues.

Thanks for the help/suggestions! I really appreciate everyone's input.

Happy holidays!