Space Combat Game - Galaxy NGC3D for your Android


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Here's a cool new app to feed your gaming cravings: 'Galaxy NGC3D', from Hyperbees, is a slick space combat flight game! It uses pretty realistic space physics that make it very challenging, but you didn't think being like 'Han Solo' would be easy now did you? This game is reminiscent of some classic PC games like 'Wing Commander', 'Elite', and 'Tie Fighter'. It'll even work with a Zeemote Controller.

The developers further went to the trouble of giving you graphical customization options to help the game run on 'older' phones. For more pictures and more details on the game and the Zeemote Controller, head over to the source of this story. Try it out and let everyone know what you think of it in the forums.

Source: Androidcentral
by dgstorm
really hard to control, graphics are ok. use free version first

I agree, it's cool looking, but VERY difficult to control. Unfortunately, it took me more than 15 minutes to arrive at that conclusion, and I ended up not being able to cancel the purchase. :::shrug::: It's only 99 cents, so it's no biggie - but the Market is crazy if they think that 15 minute window is fair to the purchaser.

15 minutes? I though it was 24 hours. What changed?

It changed last month with the new market release... only 15min... what BS, supposedly they did it because of complaints/pressure from the developers but no matter the reason it's a REALLY bad move for the customers and for Android in general at least until Google starts to crack down on all the BS and broken apps on the market...