Speakers using the Mini hdmi port


New Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Does anyone know of a desktop stereo that can accept HDMI input from my droidx? I have the moto docking station with the the HDMI out and I'd like to hook it up to speakers so I can just drop it in and listen to music. The dock does not have any output for the audio jack so I'd have to plug in a cable every time. I'd like to avoid that.
Great question I was hoping to find one myself. Something like the Apple docking station. One thing I have done is use an Audio cord to plug into an Audio input spot on a desk top radio. YOu still have to plug it into the headphone jack but does seem to work ok.
I would imagine there are ways to do it and recievers that can do it. Why not just pick up stereo with bluetooth? That would probably be the easiest way. They make some compact bluetooth speakers that I've been looking at.