Speed test


Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Has anyone clocked over 14 on a speed test? I would get high teens low 20s with my razr easily..

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My tests have been around 7-8Mbps with 3 or 4 4G bars. Seems kinda slow compared to a few speeds others have been posting.
consistently getting 30+mbps down and 25mbps up in Chapel Hill, NC. its almost like having a fiber-optic conxn!
With 3 bars of 4G I get around 13. It's actually a touch faster than my broadband at home when connectd over WIFI.
I got 26 down on my first run in Coolidge Corner in Brookline, MA. Been around 15 with 2 bars in Cleveland Circle.
Middle of the day I was getting 13-15. Around midnight I was clocking over 20 every time

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Wow I'd love to see that.

Screen shot? Here's mine

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Here's my stats. One 3g test lol.

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With 3 bars of 4g the fastest I've seen is 22Mb down and 13Mb up, so far...

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Wonder why there would be such a difference in phone speeds in the same area.

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4.85 Mbps down and 2.19Mbps up on my last test... Something isn't right here :frown:
3 bars of 4G in Las Vegas, NV is giving me around 12.5/11.0 in the daytime.
I'm getting double the speeds I was getting on my TB. 14-25 down and 5-8 up...

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Getting around 15-20 down and 6-9 up here in South Eastern Wisconsin. Oddly enough, I get better speeds at work which is farther away from the towers compared to at home.