Spotlight member of the week: Bear in NM


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
We are back again starting 2011 by honoring yet another helpful member. Before I get to him remember if you been helpful and do not see your name...continue providing help and doing what you do because we see the hard work each of you do and we appreciate it.
This week we would like to thank Bear in NM for the work he has provided on the forum as of late. Continue to provide the assistance you provide and thank you for being a big help to the forum.

Holy cow gang, I had no idea (thanks for the PM, PC). But I do not begin to help as most of you others here do. Just trying to give back a little of what I have gotten. But I do appreciate it.

Congrats! Thanks for your time and advancing the Android community.

Congrats Craig. I remember Craig being over at the old site and has been quite the astute learner and teacher since the beginning of hacking for the A855.

Thanks, and I really do miss that site. It was a neat idea. Kinda like the XDA for the Droid, but a whole lot easier to find stuff than XDA. I kinda figured that when it when down the real hard core folks would migrate more to XDA than here, not to say we do not have some really cool stuff happening here, but this site is more of an all around experience, with just enough to keep everyone happy. Kinda the main trunk of a tree, with the other sites being branches necessary for survival, if that makes any sense.

That's a great analogy. I like to think of it more like a highway, though -- we're the Interstate. We'll get you anywhere, but you'll have to take some side trips onto some less-well-paved roads sometimes. :D

Oh, and we're also always under construction. ;)
Haha, both good and accurate analogies. Bear in NM, thanks for all the work you've done for the Droid over the past year+, you have no idea how much you've helped me out sinceI got my droid both here and alldroid. You rock man.

Not only that but you and Topsy were the only other NM people around here, so your screen name caught my eye about the same time that all your help did. Thanks again brotha:)

Thanks, man. I suspect there are others here from our "great" state. I really miss my forrays down your side of things. I used to chase them Javelina critters around every year, but a few years go (my last hunt) things were getting a little to complicated down there with the "situation". Kinda tough when you are hunting by yourself to have to sleep with one eye open. Tried the motel thing, but something is missing not seeing the desert come alive at dawn, nor the the interesting night sounds and critters. On my last trip I camped near a nest of owls in a cliff right above the truck. I was indescribably cool having them greet me each evening, and having their evening chorus.

Thanks again, from the frozen north side,
