STAR WARS fans...admit it...


May 27, 2010
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STAR WARS fans admit it, when the first Droid was released you were like "What? That name is only in STAR WARS!" Now I didn't buy the Droid Incredible just off the name alone, I really did wait for reviews.

But after the great reviews it didn't take me long to order one. I even named my DI after the little Astrodroid from STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic. (as pictured in my avatar T3-M4)

So who bought or at least started paying attention to the Droid brand just because of it's name and your love of STAR WARS?

I didnt even think about Star Wars when I first heard of or saw a commercial for the Droid. What got me, and my 2 y.o. is the sound DROOIIDDD. EVERYTIME he hears the commercial or my notification is set to that, he tries to say it. lol

Its soo cuute. It comes out like DWAHHHH...A 2 y.o. trying to say the brand name: genius.
You should record him saying that and make that your ringtone!
LOL I was just thinking this the other day. Yes it was the first thing I thought of. I'm always for sending a little money to LucasFilm!

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Blue Harvest:
"Look sir, droids."
"Look! A penny!"


I didnt even think about Star Wars when I first heard of or saw a commercial for the Droid. What got me, and my 2 y.o. is the sound DROOIIDDD. EVERYTIME he hears the commercial or my notification is set to that, he tries to say it. lol

Its soo cuute. It comes out like DWAHHHH...A 2 y.o. trying to say the brand name: genius.

lol... my son is almost 3 and does the exact same thing... i don't know what it is about that sound vs the others... but yeah, EVERY time he hears it, there's a giggle, and then a small voiced attempt to imitate it - it's greatness
I love Star Wars but I did not even realize "droid" was specific to the IP until I saw the trademark notice on some advertisement. I thought droid was just a universal term for a robot, not specifically Star Wars robots.
My Moto Droid makes different R2D2 beeps for email, sms, and gtalk... hahah
OK. To all the big Star Wars fans. How many Star Wars movies are there?
Ive seen everyone at least 10x......