still have liberty boot logo after switching.



how do i get my phone to boot up the rubix icon not the liberty word in the beggining? it doesnt have the spinning bird just the dim liberty then android
i really have to sbf to get rid of it? theres no file i can delete? usually when i switch roms they get replaced...
You could download a boot logo changer from the market

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boot logo changer will change it back you do NOT have to SBF. if you do not want to buy the app then just look around for posts that talk about changing the bootlogo. and then all you have to do is backup, and flash it in clockwork.
Hey Nick, if you get me the logo you want, I'll make it for you and you can just install through clockwork like normal, that's what I had to do when I came back from Liberty. You don't need to .sbf it, just re-bootlogoreplacer it!!!!
Ooo I have my audi logo to flash I for got. Thanks guys I think you actually made it for someone...

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