Stock Calendar


Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
The stock calendar app on my Nexus has been crashing every time I open it and has been doing so for a few days now. Does any know how to fix the problem?
While the phone is on, remove the back and pull the battery. If this does not clear it up, you will probably need to do a factory reset. Note: the Nexus does not protect your data during a Factory reset! First, you must know your Gmail address and password that was use to set up the phone! ! ! You must back up your pictures, music, etc. to another source such as your laptop/PC. You can use SMS Backup & Restore from Playstore to back up your text messages (no pictures within texts! ), but you must backup that file to your laptop/PC as well. Your contacts will come back from your Gmail and/or Backup Assistance.
Actually ended up doing the factory reset and everything is working fine. Glad I did because as well as getting my stock calendar back my Nex is also running faster clearing out the junk that had built up.