Stock Rooted 5.0.2 Rom For The Nexus 7 (2013)


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Oct 6, 2011
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Just a few days ago Google released the stock image of Android Lollipop 5.0.2 for the Nexus 7 (2013). Scott of ScottsRoms had a flashable stock rooted version of the Rom uploaded to his website almost instantly after the stock image was released. You won't find many extra features in this rom it is basically stock AOSP 5.0.2, but in a simple to flash format. You will need to be bootloader unlocked with custom recovery installed. You will need to install both the Rom and flash the updated bootloader in fastboot. It should also be noted that you will need to be on TWRP for this to work. Head to the link below for the full install instructions and download links.

via ScottsRoms
I love his ROM on my nexus 7!
How would this be different from doing a standard OTA install and just manually rooting it? Just curious as I'm still wary of 5.0.x on my Nexus 7, after seeing issues on the two Nexus 4s in the house. (Not to mention missing my many Xposed tweaks if I upgraded.)