strange icon & 3G loss


New Member
Sep 12, 2011
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I have a strange icon in the notification bar. It looks like a black battery that up right with a white check mark in the center.I cannot figure out what it is there 4. I also keep losing my 3g service. I must restart my phone in order for it to come back on. I do not live in an area were 4 g is available but travel to 4 g often. Has anyone else has these experiences?
The icon next to your battery icon is the notification that your alarm clock is on. I cannot help with the 3G issue as everywhere I have gone I have had 4G so far. I did have that problem before on my OG Droid.
I too have that same problem. 3 g would be fine one minute then all of a sudden.. freeze. No pages can load until I reboot the phone and get the 3g going again. I called and asked a customer service rep. He said a few have had this issue. A possible motorola update in the works? Maybe that'll fix it.