Strangest thing just happened


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Premium Member
Jan 16, 2012
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Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo 2
I just did a simulated battery pull, I had lost 4g.... hasn't happened in a long time, and when my phone powered back on it got a foreclose error for instant messaging and something else I didn't get to see. I did a factory reset in anticipation of the ICS update that didn't happen.

It makes me wonder. Think I'll clear the data on those apps. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanx

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
You can't clear data in the IM app. Hmmmm. Also it cycled 3 times before coming on.

I powered the device off and let it set a minute, powered it back on and it seems to be fine.

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
The phone is working flawlessly now. I just don't get it!!???

Yes I am.....

Sorry, my son was watching sponge Bob this morning lmao

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
Just wondering...are you having a conversation with yourself? ;)

(Sorry, couldn't resist, we've had a "multiple-personality" :blink: member issue of late so I'm wondering if any of it rubbed off on our other regulars!) :rofl2:
Just wondering...are you having a conversation with yourself? ;)

(Sorry, couldn't resist, we've had a "multiple-personality" :blink: member issue of late so I'm wondering if any of it rubbed off on our other regulars!) :rofl2:

Lol, no. Just posting info so if someone like you came along, they would know what I knew lol..... wait, do you hear those voices???

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
FoxKat be wvery wvery quiet we're hunting wabbits...oooops I mean, we are all eavesdropping to see where the conversation will go next....

Roflmfao... you guys have never seen that episode of sponge Bob??? Lmao. The one where he made the sundae out of onions and ketsup?? Sorry, my son is corrupting my mind..

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
People can use a good laugh, to those who haven't read and seen this, enjoy!!

sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX