Streaming Media Player doesnt support HLS? Incomplete version of ICS


Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Playon no longer works after the ICS OTA.
Their support has informed me HTC released an incomplete version of ICS that does not include support for HLS video. Their suggestion download VPlayer.
Any knowledge of this or comments?
I'm on the .10 leak and I use Playon and it workds fine for me.... You could try Plex, the PC software is free but the Android app will cost you $5.
My bad, it doesn't work for me either..... No worries for me though as I have been using Plex and it pretty much gives me everything PlayOn gave me. My Playon Annual subscription is up next week and I will not be renewing. The only thing that PlayOn did really well was access to hulu (not hulu+). Thats not a big deal either since I can do that with WonderSharePlayer on my Rezound..... Another app suggestion is Qloud. The android app and windows server app are 100% free and its amazing for accessing your own library on the go. It does not do web videos but Plex can do most of them.... Rundown: Qloud or Plex for personal library, Plex for online videos like CBS, NBC, etc and its DLNA so will work at home with your PS3, Xbox, etc, Wondershare for Hulu.
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I really wasn't looking for a replacement for playon but thanks for those.
Real concern was why does the rezound not support hls? Is this a problem going forward for streaming video to your phone that isnt flash based
I just posted this question at PlayOn forums and they suggested to access Playon using Vplayer. I tested it and it works at home on wifi but not away from home on 3g/4g. The app is $1.99 but there is a trial version.
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