Stuck in bootloop. No power button.


New Member
Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
Before I give up and get a new phone, I was hoping someone had a solution.

Little backstory on how the bootloop occurred, I flashed the latest Cyanogenmod 10.2 and everything seemed to be working fine minus the Google apps and SU. I realized that I forgot to flash the GAPPs also and was trying to figure out how I should boot into recovery (completely forgetting about adb). A friend said he could "fix" it and flashed a previous Cyan, leading me to the bootloop.

My power button has not worked for months which has only been a hinderance really, as I can still function with the volume rocker and gestures to turn the screen off and on.

But this is the one special case I was worried about where I would need my power button to boot into fastboot or recovery, and I am not able to.

I can get the phone on via plugging into computer, battery pull then put battery back in and wait, but that only leads to the bootloop.

Any help would be appreciated as I have tried anything I could think of as adb won't work in the bootloop for me.

before the phone can boot up, have you tried holding down the volume down + up keys to see if you can get into bootloader?
That's actually one of the first things I tried. I thought maybe because the phone was booting via the usb cable, it would think the power button was being held.

Sadly, it continued to the Cyan boot screen and sticks there.