Stuck on Spinning Liberty!


Feb 21, 2011
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I'm sure this is on here somewhere, but I'm in a panic. Tried flashing Inspi Red theme. I was running Liberty GB 0.5. Please help.....someone....please
Can you get into recovery?

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somewhere there should be a thread that'll tell you how to get to bootstrap and what to do from there.
happened to me, no biggie.
search for bootlooping.if not here , go to droid x forums, rescue squad.
okay, I did get into recovery by doing a battery pull, putting it back in, then plugging in my phone and turning it on, but now what? Kinda scared to make a move here because I installed Liberty Gingerbread from the Liberty Toolbox and I have ALWAYS had problems flashing anything from the Toolbox in Clockwork Mod
Well. Gotta do the data wipe. Do that then flash the .5 liberty gingerbread in the liberty/downloads folder. Should be good to go.

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Ha, I don't know what I did, but I did successfully brick the ole' Droid. But this morning I was able to use the GREAT advice an tactics here to restore my phone back to stock and activate, .sbf......Complete Droid X .sbf Flashing Guide
ive tried installing liberty 2.0 (from toolbox) and liberty 1.5 from a zip and both of them result in the same thing.. stuck in spinning boot logo.. did you ever have any success , if so can you help me out?
Click the link I posted on post#6(the one before yours) and follow the instructions. After the .sbf ran through it kinda got stuck and said something about "you must manually reboot your motorola phone". So I reboot and it is still stuck, so I pulled the battery, booted into recovery, wiped data and cache, restarted......then it was like it had just come out of the box.......weird, but it worked for me
yeah i ended up just sbfing it and then tried the dalvik cache and it worked like a dream.. running 2.0.1 now.. hopefully i can go gb without any more trouble