As first posted by @Jonny Kansas, Sling TV have sent out invite to users. Right not it currently works for Android phones/tablets, iPhone, iPad, and Roku. Nexus player, Fire TV Stick and Xbox will be coming soon. Once you sign up you will have the option of adding additional content at an extra cost.
As for video quality the few times I had the chance to play with it I have been impressed but will withhold my full review rating until next week's Sunday Evening Chat. If you are looking to cut the cord this could be a step in the right direction to do so especially if the only thing holding you up was sports content. The question you will have to ask yourself is if $20 + Hulu ($7) + Netflix + high speed cable will be cheaper than your current cable tv package. For me it may break even but I am willing to make the move to say I am on the side of a new way for content. I am tired of cable companies forcing me into packages I care less about while my bill skyrockets. With that said Sling (aka Dish) is not stupid and they are not in this because they "love the people". From the moment I signed up and saw the additional content for purchase I began to grasp where Dish will go with this. I just hope that in providing addition content for purchase they do not continue on with the status quo of cable packages and allow for choice in allowing me to choose my channel lineup independent of other unwanted channels. Because if they are not going to offer me an option to choose my line up but shove content down my throat like all the other providers then they just pulled the biggest heist of shell games. And it will not be long before we see Comcast and other providers following suit with a similar shell game.
My question to you guys is do you see Sling TV (Dish) becoming the company to finally offer us a choice or will Dish Network just use this to find a way to get more people signing up for their channel line ups and shoving packages down people's throats similar to other providers?
Are we ever going to have a way to fully choose and customize channel content or are TV contracts too lucrative to allow that to happen?
Lastly: When we are bringing in 2016 and we look back on this year how do you think we will see Dish's Sling TV?
Sign up here: https://www.sling.com
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