Support Me as Deaf


Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
I have problem with little bad English this here at Forum and I love Driod I fully understand sentence about Ive done rooted,hacking, and follow the everything what they say....

okay i will tell you if u feel dont comfortable about that u need to know what i am...

okay I am full deaf and only little bad sentence because I CANNOT hearing from people talking with English skill with grammer but i known all every English word I promise it only little English but i try best a good sentence

one more thing i will put on my significance for what I am....

thank you for read this I hope y'all support this here as being deaf I just want tell you this...

This is a very friendly forum. I am sure that you are welcome here. You can learn allot from these phone geeks!:)
Just let people know I guess so they don't think your being an idot... which you are obviously far from being that you are rooted and already hacked up your phone. By the way, if you are def do you really just use your phone for texting? Just curious, thats a whole new world to me...
I was an ASL interpreter for 10 years and am fluent in sign language. I understand why many Deaf people seem to have poor English skills, but really they are writing in the same manner as they sign... ASL isn't a linear language (a sign for each word you'd speak in English) -- it's a conceptual language and there is no written English translation. it makes total sense to me.

Welcome to the boards!!!
I fully support you and your liberal use of dancing bananas. :welcome:
Heck yea man no worries!!! I feel safe saying anyone in the will be supportive and more the willing to help. Shoot me a message anytime you have a question.
We're glad to have you here! There are a lot of patient people, so if you have questions just ask! Letting people know about you in the same post as your question is a good idea.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana: dancing bananas know no language barriers :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:

I'm also curious about owning a phone... I guess texting is very popular for you!
I recently learned that ASL grammar is very different than spoken/written English grammar. I am sure it is difficult to have to juggle both. Welcome to the forums!
Welcome aboard. I'm Deaf (more Hard of Hearing) myself. I can hear well enough on the Droid to understand people (especially those who's voices I'm familiar with). But I mostly use it for the data services.
Your English is just fine, we can understand...and visiting the forums will make it even better. Welcome. :)