Surprise Feature of Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Front Facing Camera Does 720p HD Video!


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Here's am interesting bit of news that Samsung never bothered to advertise about their new Android 4.0/ICS phone... lucky international users that already have the device have figured out that the front facing camera can actually shoot 720p HD video. This is a huge step-up from the typical VGA cameras that usually grace the front of most phones, and you would think it would have been an additional marketing opportunity for Samsung. This makes the Galaxy Nexus the absolute best phone for video-teleconferencing. Check out the video above of how to adjust the settings. Beware, the person in the video is speaking English, but it is both hilarious and quite difficult to understand due to his thick accent. It kinda reminds me of "Monty Python."

Source: PhanDroid
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Nice. I don't know why all FFC cameras don't shoot at 720p. Afterall, 720p video is only 0.92mp