Switching from Storm 2 to Droid


Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score
Orem, UT
I have been a die hard blackberry person for the last several years but I think I am going to ditch the storm 2 for the motorola droid. I work in a metal shop and my storm 2's ear piece seems to get jammed up with metal slivers and makes the speaker fail. I have replaced my Storm 2 4 times now and so I have given up. Anybody out there had any issues with the ear piece on the moto droid? Anybody in a metal working type of industry that has the moto droid and not experienced any problems?
I have been a die hard blackberry person for the last several years but I think I am going to ditch the storm 2 for the motorola droid. I work in a metal shop and my storm 2's ear piece seems to get jammed up with metal slivers and makes the speaker fail. I have replaced my Storm 2 4 times now and so I have given up. Anybody out there had any issues with the ear piece on the moto droid? Anybody in a metal working type of industry that has the moto droid and not experienced any problems?

Welcome, jakemerrell! Glad you found us! I don't work in the metal working industry or use an earpiece, so I'm sorry I don't know about either one, but the least I can do is bump you up. Someone is bound to know something... Anyway, welcome to the forum!
I did the switch too from the S2 myself. I work in the trades, and do drill metal from time to time,but never experienced anything like that myself. I would imagine that happens because the speaker has a magnet in it,so probably your best bet would be to get a good case that protects the speaker areas. Aside from your speaker issues, the Droid is absolutely awesome - you will not be disappointed by any means. I was a long time BB user too, and I can tell you, after having the Droid - there's no way I would go back to BB. It's like comparing a 1920 wind-up-and-go, to a 2010 Ferrari.
:welcome: Jake :D after much searching i found a thread i found a long time ago that might help you with the metal speaker issue. this guy makes solid brass replacements. if he can do that i'm sure there's a way to make it from some other material that won't cause you any problems. apparently it's wicked easy to replace that speaker mesh. Droid Dent Fix! - Android Forums good luck :D