Swype for 1.0?


Active Member
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
Cape Coral - FLORIDA
The latest sapphire makes swype... not swype. Just plain keyboard!
Believe me I tried reinstalling it ect ect, it's annoying I need swype to work!

I have a swype installer app where I put in my email and password to get swype installed, then when it installs it says try again there is already swype running or something like that.
But I uninstall swype and uninstall the swype uninstaller, reinstall em both and swype keyboard comes up and it doesn't swype. Just sits like a normal keyboard.

I'm just hoping someone else had this issue and resolved it, it worked fine on sapphire 0.4 which is where I came from (0.7 was bad so reverted to .4, now 1.0 is ok so far except for swype and a few slow downs)

The latest sapphire makes swype... not swype. Just plain keyboard!
Believe me I tried reinstalling it ect ect, it's annoying I need swype to work!

I have a swype installer app where I put in my email and password to get swype installed, then when it installs it says try again there is already swype running or something like that.
But I uninstall swype and uninstall the swype uninstaller, reinstall em both and swype keyboard comes up and it doesn't swype. Just sits like a normal keyboard.

I'm just hoping someone else had this issue and resolved it, it worked fine on sapphire 0.4 which is where I came from (0.7 was bad so reverted to .4, now 1.0 is ok so far except for swype and a few slow downs)


Uninstall and reinstall worked for me...after you reinstalled the 2nd time did you go to language and keyboards and enable swype? that would be an explanation for the stock keyboard coming up after you installed
Uninstall and reinstall worked for me...after you reinstalled the 2nd time did you go to language and keyboards and enable swype? that would be an explanation for the stock keyboard coming up after you installed

May want to go to language / keyboard, disable swype and enable android keyboard. go somewhere and USE the android keyboard and then go back and disable android keyboard and enable swype. Works for me every time.
There was an update to Swype recently. Go back to the web site and if you are part of the beta testers they will send you a new link with the updated Swype. Install that and you should be good to go. Mine works just fine.
When trying other ROM's, I've had this problem too. I noticed that at the end of the Swype install, a popup will confirm that the program is registering. When it fails to confirm registration, it will not swype for me. I've had to uninstall and reinstall a couple of times to get it working.
It works fine on 1.0 for me. I find when I have the problem you are, I need to un-install it, clear cache, reboot, re-run the installer then it will register.