Swype & Handcent issue !!!


Nov 21, 2009
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I live swype and want to keep it.. the only problem is it seems to not get along with handcent sms. When my screen is off and I get a txt it pops up in handcent. But when I click to start typing in swype the keyboard covers the text box so I can not see what I am typing. And I have to hit back to close the keyboard to be able to see the send button to send.

When I am on my cell n screen is on there is no problem. When I click to type handcent moves the txt box up so I can see but does not do this when screen is off.

Anyone else having this. Is there ne thing to do??
I just keep meeting around till it goes away sometimes pressing the button under enter works
The latest Handcent updates resolved this issue. I no longer have that problem with the Handcent pop-up.
The latest Handcent updates resolved this issue. I no longer have that problem with the Handcent pop-up.
+1. Check to make sure you have the most updated version. Handcent has resolved this issue. The text box now goes to the top half of the screen, so it's not longer blocked by the on screen keyboard.
I have the updated version and I'm still getting this problem :/

As am I. However I'm using Home++, handcent, and swype. Could it be the home++ not allowing it to work?

I have all 3 as well I was noticing it happened more with swipe so I just changed it back to the regular keyboard but I'm still having the same issue... I'm not sure what it is.
I have the updated version and I'm still getting this problem :/

As am I. However I'm using Home++, handcent, and swype. Could it be the home++ not allowing it to work?

I have all 3 as well I was noticing it happened more with swipe so I just changed it back to the regular keyboard but I'm still having the same issue... I'm not sure what it is.

I have all 3 also. when the screen is on... there is no problem, but when the phone is locked and u get a txt it covers the entire text and send button.
i have the file i got from the developer that'll guarantee fix it. I know you may be hesitant to try it but i am sure it'll work. i got confirmation from other people it worked from them. just email me [email protected] and i will forward you the file the handcent developer gave me. again, up to you but trust me, it works. Look up Handcent popup fix for others who've i sent it to and it worked. also, others ive sent it to said it worked but never put feedback in it.
(However I'm using Home++, handcent, and swype. Could it be the home++ not allowing it to work? )

If you are talking about the popup that appears even though your phone is locked, I would just turn that feature off in the handcent settings. All 3
work just fine together during unlocked use.