Sync Yahoo Contacts \ Calendar with new Motorola Droid


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Hi Alll...

I'm new to the motorola droid, came from BBStorm1, and looking to import my yahoo contacts \ calendar to the phone. I've searched the web and haven't found any tips on how to get this done. Only sync tips I've seen is between Outlook and Gmail, but nothing for Yahoo Contacts \ Calendar.

Any help greatly appreciated!
My understanding is that you have to import your contacts in to gmail then put them on your phone and clear them off your gmail contacts list.

That's what happens when google designs a phone, they don't give support for the competitors ; )
I synced my Yahoo contacts to Outlook on my PC using Yahoos tools. Then I imported them into GMAIL contacts from Outlook using GMAILs tools for importing contacts.

Going forward I guess I need to just make sure I update my contacts now in GMAIL or my phone. Otherwise I have to repeat the above over and over.
That's what I thought. argh. I want the droid but I just changed all my contacts and appts into yahoo email and calendar. why o why did I not just go with gmail???