T-Mobile's Big Assault Finally Having a Noticeable Impact vs. The Big Two


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

According to a new report from marketing research firm, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, T-Mobile's campaign to shakeup the mobile industry is finally having a noticeable affect on consumer numbers. Their report indicates that T-Mobile had the fastest growing marketshare of any carrier last quarter. This was the third highest overall share in the market with only 15%, but this is up from 13% in just the previous quarter.

In contrast, Verizon remained flat at 35%, while AT&T lost marketshare, shrinking from 29% in the previous quarter to 28% in this one. T-Mobile wasn't the only winner here. Sprint's marketshare grew marginally from 8% to 9%. CIRP cofounder Mike Levin attributed this growth to the following: “Both T-Mobile and Sprint have led the market with novel and disruptive offerings, and consequently seem to attract new customers.”

As we have seen from previous reports, Both Big Red and AT&T have been coming out with slightly more competitive rate plans and special offers. It seems probable they have been paying attention to these numbers as well and are slowly stepping up to do something about it.

Source: CIRP
I think I'm going to give T-Mobile and Sprint a try this summer with one of the less expensive off contract phones like the OnePlus or N5. I'm keeping my Verizon account while I do this of course, and if I don't like them I'll sell the phone and chalk it up as a learning experience. My source of displeasure with Verizon is their phone selection and how they mess with software.

I switched my wife to VZW last year from AT&T. I'll say this, AT&T is terrible compared to Verizon. This is my observation after living with someone everyday who used the AT&T network allowing me the ability to see the networks head-to-head almost daily for years. Verizon's coverage and call quality is waaaaay better. We traveled together to the same cities, and sometimes she called from a different city and AT&T is the lesser network in my eyes. It's not even close, and to this day I can tell when someone calls from the AT&T network.

I don't have high hopes for T-Mobile because it's a known fact that their network is smaller than AT&T, but at least I will have taken the network for an actual run. So, I'm going to give them an honest chance to win my business and keep it. But the thing is, is that it's not always about price. If your calls always sound broken or constantly drop, forget it. I'll keep the draconian practices and higher price.
I was on Verizon, service was good but the whole killing data plans pissed me off. Same with ATT. I went to TMobile adn though the cell signal is kind of weak indoors, wifi calling saves that. Outdoors I don't have much issue with signal. Everywhere I drive my phone streams music and never stops or takes long to buffer. For me, that is fast enough. If streaming music doesn't stop, using the internet for everything else won't either.
I made the switch to T-Mo, finally. Some good things and some bad. All in all it's worth it for us. Our bill is substantially less and we have unlimited everything.

When the Note 4 drops we'll see how easy the Jump program is. I thought I would be switching phones more, but I've become reliant on my Note as a tool now and the software is perfect for what I need.
I just switched to t-mobile. i'm in Sandiego (just south of)
even in the city some buildings the signal strenght is weak to non existant inside.
out side is all fine.
at our new house hasbetter t mobile signal than verizon.
i'm pleased. and their customer service is 100x's better than verizon.
and i'm saving 100 dollars a month (with 5 lines)
I wish T-Mobile would improve their coverage in SW Louisiana. I would love to switch but the coverage isn't worth it yet.