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Tag home "review"


Hey all.

So I posted here a while back about an issue I was having with Helix Launcher force closing. It was suggested that I switch to Tag Home.

Well I finally took the time to install it and setup my screens.

First thing I noticed is although it has the same four areas at the bottom of the screen to place apps that are always there no matter what screen you are on, you cannot customize the application icons like you could with Helix Launcher. Not a huge deal but I did like the look of the icons as I had them setup in Helix.

Second thing I noticed right off is the change to the App Drawer. It lists "categories" across the bottom. It has the potential to be very helpful but you have to take the time to categorize each application. For now I am just sticking with the "all" tab.

On an unrelated note I have been taking the time to organize my apps using Apps Organizer. Have a feeling once I finish that I will not be using the app drawer much.

So, moving on with the review... The reason I wanted to find a replacement for Helix Launcher was it would force close all the time on me. Even when I was using another app I would get a message that it needed to close. Then to add to the frustration it would take nearly a minute for it to start back up again. Made using the phone very nerve racking.

I have been using Tag Home for a few hours now and it is also force closing but not nearly as often and it is not a big deal cause it starts again almost instantly. I can't be to harsh on it or Helix for closing so often cause I have a ton of widgets running. Nice thing is the force closes do not bother me with Tag Home because it reloads so fast.

Only real negative with it is not being able to customize the four "docked" icons at the bottom of the screen. Other than that it is a very solid home screen replacement and so far I am very happy with it.

Oh, and one other thing. This is the first home screen replacement I have seen that offers 9 screens instead of maxing out at 7. I don't know yet if I will actually use all 9 screens, did not make full use of 7 screens in Helix but the extra room may allow me to get a little creative. Will see.

Hope this was a help to anybody who took the time to read this.
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Heya Mitch,

Good review I think. I chose Tag Home for the EXACT same reasons!
One thing I wanted to let you know is that you CAN customize what apps are docked. Just long press the space you want and it will pop-up with your apps to choose from.
Hope it helps :)

One thing I wanted to ask you is, have you found that the drawer isn't showing all of your apps? I have apps that are installed, and work just fine, but, do no show in the "All" tab or anywhere. I either have to "Search" for them or go to the Market or Manage Applications to find them.
Any help would be great!

Oh and btw, I am not a huge fan of the tabs on the bottom. I feel it takes away some of the screen.
Heya Mitch,

Good review I think. I chose Tag Home for the EXACT same reasons!
One thing I wanted to let you know is that you CAN customize what apps are docked. Just long press the space you want and it will pop-up with your apps to choose from.
Hope it helps :)

One thing I wanted to ask you is, have you found that the drawer isn't showing all of your apps? I have apps that are installed, and work just fine, but, do no show in the "All" tab or anywhere. I either have to "Search" for them or go to the Market or Manage Applications to find them.
Any help would be great!

Oh and btw, I am not a huge fan of the tabs on the bottom. I feel it takes away some of the screen.

I probably should have written that a little more clearly. It is not that apps themselves I want to be able to change but the individual Icons for the apps. With Helix you could create a custom Icon for an application and then drag it down into the "dock" area. Tag does not allow you to do that. It is however, a very minor issue. I have found that increasing the transparency of the icons subdues them enough to have the same effect I was going for with the custom icons I was using with Helix Launcher.

I have not noticed applications missing in the app drawer. However I have found I hardly use the App drawer now that I have taken the time to setup Apps Organizer and learned how to use it to it's full potential.
Okay, yeah, I didn't customize the app icons, except for Handcent. Oh and get this, I just opened my app drawer to list some missing apps. Guess who decides to join us? ...the missing apps! HAHAHA! I think Tag Home knew I was hunting for its replacement!

Anyways, "full potential"? Are you talkin about folders?
Okay, yeah, I didn't customize the app icons, except for Handcent. Oh and get this, I just opened my app drawer to list some missing apps. Guess who decides to join us? ...the missing apps! HAHAHA! I think Tag Home knew I was hunting for its replacement!

Anyways, "full potential"? Are you talkin about folders?

Apps organizer allows you to assign one or more labels for each app. What I meant by full potential was to assign a "useful" label for each app.

For example I have a lot of apps that I could give the label of tools. However I only really use a few of them, or I have them in other places on my homescreens. So I labeled those apps, Other tools. Then instead of using a folder on my Home Screen I use the Apps Organizer widget to put an icon on the screen that allows me to access the apps associated with that label. So it is like a folder, only you can basically customize the icon for it. For games the icon looks like a gaming controller. Looks a lot nicer than a generic manila folder.

Hope that cleared it up.
I have been using Tag for quite a while and never understand why it doesn't get more "play". I have never had an FC, whether 2.1 stock, 2.1 rooted with various ROMS or now under 2.2. But it comes clear to me that each launcher has it's pros and cons that are very dependent upon how you use your system.

I personally LOVE the app prioritization feature, but like you do not really see the point of doing all sorts of organization using all of the different "labels. Again though, this comes down to MY use and how it suits me.

I run 5 screens, with phone, xScope, Message amd Google Voice as static icons, as follows...far left are music, Engadget, Slacker and YouTube widgets---screen 2 are utility such as Weatherbug Elite, Titanium Widget, Tesla Torch, Unit Converter and Math Calc---screen 3 (home)are much used things like Power Control Widget, Gemini Calendar Widget, GTasks Widget, Gmail, Market and Gallery---screen 4 are various travel GPS, search, shopping shortcuts---screen 5 is Facebook and Twitter widgets.

Now for the app drawer I only go to the ALL screen (would be nice if you could choose not to display the other labels IMO) and I have given my most-used 16 apps the highest priority so they show up first in the app drawer, while all of the rest follow alphabetically.

As I am set up I am literally 1 click away from all of my most used apps, by virtue of the prioritized app drawer page 1 as well as the quick nav buttons at the top pf the launcher screens. I virtually never scroll my app drawer anymore and this suits me just perfectly.

But again, that's just me. Gotta admit that Launcher Pro is a tad faster/slicker but just barely. Even so having to add more screens, organize folders or scroll the app drawer negates that speed advantage IMO.

There, more than anyone ever wanted to know I am sure, but you did ask lol
hmmmm...well, that's all great input. However, I'm getting a bit turned off from Tag Home and I'm looking for a new one now. I don't like how much of the screen is used when I open the drawer. The tabs on the bottom I rarely use. The only real reason I got it was for the customizable quick launch/"docked" apps on the home screen.
I actually like scrolling through my apps. It just let's me know how badazz my Droid is with all the cool apps! Plus, I have gotten the attention of fellow Droid owners at work and have Froyoed them out already. Lol, they come to me often for "cool things" they can do with their phone. I like showing off some apps an such :)