TBolt, Charge, and Revolution Get 4GLTE Mobile Hotspot Extension From VZW to July 6th


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

If you are the owner of a Moto Droid Charge, HTC Thunderbolt, or LG Revolution, and you use their mobile hotspot feature, you will like this news from Verizon. Big Red announced that they will extend the current mobile hotspot offer for these devices through July 6th. Here's the press release:
Verizon Wireless has extended the Limited Time promotion for Mobile Hotspot and Mobile Broadband Connect on 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) Smartphones, ThunderBolt by HTC, DROID Charge by Samsung, and Revolution by LG. The following are the Unlimited Hotspot promotion details.

Limited Time promotion available through 7/6/2011 which allows customers unlimited 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot and Mobile Broadband Connect usage until July 6, 2011 with the purchase of a ThunderBolt by HTC, a DROID Charge by Samsung, or a Revolution by LG, with a voice plan and a data package $29.99 or higher.

The $20/GB (Gigabyte) plan will not be available on 4G LTE Smartphones. On July 6, 2011 a software update will remove the Mobile Hotspot offer. A message will be sent to the end user to contact their system administrator to subscribe to Mobile Hotspot.
I suppose one way to look at it is that they keep giving us extensions on this service to reduce the "sting" we may feel when they actually announce pricing for it in July. Either that, or they are having trouble actually deciding on a pricing structure. :)

Source: VZW
A software update will remove it?
Methinks they accidentally set up the mobile Hotspot stuff to never expire :D
So if were rooted and can't get the software update then its possible the hotspot feature will stay permanent and free?
So if were rooted and can't get the software update then its possible the hotspot feature will stay permanent and free?

It depends on whether the software update actually is what ends the mobile hotspot feature or if it's just something that comes at the same time. I doubt that Verizon would be so dumb as to end a promotion with a software update, but hey, dumber mistakes have been made.