Tether Droid to eye fi card


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
I am trying to tether my droid to an eye fi pro card.
The eye fi pro card allows adhoc connections also.

I am rooted and using barnacle tethering program.
when I try to set up the connection from the eye fi card to barnacle I keep getting a dhcp timeout error.
I don't know a lot about networks so I have searched but not come up with a good answer as to what this error really means to know what to troubleshoot.

The eye fi card sees the droid wireless network and it verifies the wep password but then it just keeps looking to get a network address and it never does, so I am assuming this is why it times out.

Does anybody out there know wireless networks enough to understand why it is not getting a network address ?

If so can you point me in the right direction.

I have emailed the developer of barnacle to see what he might come up with also.

Unfortunately the eye fi support is only Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 PM.

I will report back with any info I come up with in hopes that this community of smart helpful people can help me figure this out.

I'm one of the Eye-Fi co-founders, and I can assure you that even if you called support, we wouldn't be able to help you out. I don't think that anyone at Eye-Fi has tried it. I was planning on trying it out, first thing, once I got my DROID. I'm expecting to get it around the end of the month, and the main reason for getting it -- is exactly what you're doing :) So even though I can't immediately help you, I'd like to do the following 3 things:

1) have you tried to tether anything else to the DROID? Did it work? Is the Eye-Fi Card the only thing that's failing?

2) Have you tried the other tether sw? If not, can you please try it, and let me know if it's any different?

3) Can you please try it again, and after it fails, send me a log file? Just insert the card into the reader, and from the Eye-Fi Helper, choose "Get Eye-Fi Card Log". please send me the log.

Thx --

1. Yes I can tether my laptop no problem.

2. I have not yet tried the other wifi software with the eye fi yet, but I will when I get a chance to install it.

3. I am sending you the log file & some screen shots.

TOTALLY sorry for the late reply. I'm way way behind.

A couple of things -- if you're using the Pro X2, PLEASE use the Eye-Fi Center, and not the Eye-Fi Manager. Even if you're on the previous gen Pro card, feel free to also use the Eye-Fi Center. I think that you'll like it more than the Manager. But once you upgrade to the Eye-Fi Center, you won't be able to go back to the Eye-Fi Manager. So just FYI. There is nothing that you'll be missing. The Eye-Fi Center is our new app and has more features than the Eye-Fi Manager.

OK, onto your issue. I think I know what's going on. You're trying to connect to the DROID's hotspot as if it was a Wi-Fi hotspot, but it's not. It's an ad-hoc connection. The dialog that you sent me in your screen shots is only for Infrastructure networks, and not ad-hoc networks. Here is what you should do:

  • Under that same Wi-Fi widget, select Other network from the bottom of the drop-down menu, and type in or copy and paste your SSID for the Droid network. If it's a long name, please cut and paste to minimize any issues
  • copy and paste or enter the WEP or WPA key. If it's open, choose Open.
  • IMPORTANT: choose Out Of Range so that the Eye-Fi Card WILL NOT try to connect to that network at this point
  • Since you've chosen Out Of Range, the network is now added to your Eye-Fi Card, without going through the connection process
NOW, try it, and let me know if it works. It's also worth trying totally open, to see if it makes a difference. But if it fails at the DHCP phase, it means that it's gotten passed the WEP or WPA security key...

Also, take a look at this:


He claims that android-wifi-tether works on a rooted DROID. But you would need to do that Out Of Range trick as well, since like with any phone -- it's an ad-hoc connection.

Looking forward to your reply --

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Quick update to the forum:

Jeff was able to get the Eye-Fi Card to tether, using:


He wasn't able to use Barnacle.

I'll look into wh Barnacle doesn't work, when I get my own Droid. But for now, he's up and running :)

Right Jeff? :)
Eye-Fi tethered to Droid

Barnacle for some reason will not work but the wifi tether for root users
does tether to the Eye-Fi Pro card.
I used the Eye-Fi center to scan for the wifi network & connected to the Droid wifi Network.
Now I can use the Droid as a hotspot and a Wi-Fi to 3G gateway to transfer pictures taken on my digital camera straight to my computer or photo site from anywhere I can get internet with my Droid phone.:icon_ banana:
I have consideried buying an Eye-Fi card for my camera. But I found out that there are several different types that do different functions, such as Home, Pro, etc. Is there one that I should get that would come more near connecting to my Droid over another?
You need the pro version to connect to the droid or any other phone.