The Droid 3 Dummys have landed


Staff member
Oct 20, 2009
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Behold the Droid 3! Yes, I know it's just a dummy unit however it's also a sign we are one step closer to the actual Droid 3. Today select Verizon stores are receiving dummy units to put on display. We are expecting the official Droid 3 announcement any day so stay tuned!

Source: Twitter
I think it looks like a great device. I hope it doesn't suffer from too many issues at launch though.
Please tell me that those aren't concave buttons again. Didn't they learn the last time? Convex is the way to go.

Anyway, it's a nice piece of hardware, Motorola (probably) still locks bootloaders, the Droid 2 is buggy as all hell. I don't trust Motorola anymore.
I believe the buttons are raised like on the Droid 2 and they maybe slightly bigger due to the overall phone size. Hopefully this doesn't have the same memory issues as the dx2. I could care less about the would just be nice to see a dual core phone on vzw without problems.
I hope my VZW get's a dummy unit so I can check it out, I am getting antsy for something new
the buttons are raised.... the bootlaoder could e unlockable.. no issues to report here.. its a really nice device.. and rolls out this Thursday
Looks sweet, sold my Droid Charge and will be ordering as soon as its announced. I should have mine on Friday.
I'm going to hold off to see how the Bionic looks. By then the D3 should come down in price a little bit too.

If the Bionic is as awesome as I think it will be, then I pay full launch day price for it. However, if the reviews are mostly negative, then I will get the D3 which will hopefully have a lower price then.
the buttons are raised.... the bootlaoder could e unlockable.. no issues to report here.. its a really nice device.. and rolls out this Thursday


Is this something about which you would be willing to elaborate? I am not sure exactly what you are saying but if it is what I think it could mean, you may have an answer for what, several thousand posts of speculation over the last few months have been wondering, and arguing and fighting......:)

I will be ordering the Droid 3. I had previously wanted the Bionic and had been flip flopping back and forth but my OG Droid just crapped out a day or two ago so the Droid 3 comes at a nice time. I will be on the phone with Verizon tomorrow ordering.

If the Bionic is far and above better, I'll buy it retail and sell the Droid 3 which will still be worth a pretty penny.

I'm just worried about battery life on the Bionic, and I do love my hardware keyboard.
Woo comes out tomorrow!!!!

Too bad I cant get it D:! I had a bout of impulsive upgrading and went with a Droid 2 in February. It SUCKS!:blackdroid: