The First Verizon Dual Core Android Phone?


Feb 16, 2010
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Spokane, WA
What will be the first Dual Core phone coming to Big Red?

The Moto T2 seems to be going to AT&T first.
Not sure if the Nexus S will be dual but that is going to T-Mobile?
Multiple Blogs reporting the LG Star going to T Mobile?
That leaves the Incredible HD--do we even know if it will be dual core? And I rather not have Sense unless that is the only option.

What are the rumors for Q1 superphones & Verizon, am I missing anything?
are the incredible hd and the htc merge the same thing?
No. Merge has a slightly smaller screen and keyboard. Merge might be dropping very soon so it wouldn't be dual core.
I can't imagine Verizon won't have a dual-core at the same time the other carriers do... IMO it would be a huge fail on their part...
I dont think they will have and dual core phones until they roll out LTE phones. Supposedly, this is going to happen Q1 2011. But with the other carriers claiming 4g, I think Verizon would have to roll out their phones sooner. Time will tell I suppose, but I would expect a plethora of dual core phones soon. I also dont think T2 will be at@t exclusive for very long. Samsung just overtook them, and I think Motorola would want to copy their business model.
I just hope they don't wait til March to start releasing these things.... Jan 5th is CES where they're supposed to make big announcements about LTE and devices... but I can't sit around (way too impatient) til March while other carriers have devices already (assuming they release them in Jan instead of March)

If they all wait til March (highly doubt it but not impossible) then I'll just be cranky for a few months :(
Oh, excuse me. I was referring to the Moto Tegra 2 going to AT&T first. The LG Tegra may be going to T Mobile first, but I don't believe anyone know exactly where that phone is going. That is the one I have my eye on.
Oh, excuse me. I was referring to the Moto Tegra 2 going to AT&T first. The LG Tegra may be going to T Mobile first, but I don't believe anyone know exactly where that phone is going. That is the one I have my eye on.
We're all left in the dark... it'll be an interesting start to the year in the smartphone world to say the least :)
Sure the phones may be coming to ATT first, but who knows for how long. The BB Bold came out on Sprit first and it was on VZW a week or so later right? So it may be like that.

Me next phone on Verizon will be a Dual core Driod Phone, whichever one is the best and it doesnt really natter how long. Im actually ok with my Bold right now. Sure the browsing could be better, but its doing the job.

I know the Moto T2 phone should be coming. There is also a rumored HTC EVO 4 clone, but with a nicer aluminium case, but I dont know if thats supposed to be dual core, I know its supposed to be LTE though.

After that who knows what else will be announced, Im sure there will be a few we havent even hear about yet.
im waiting for that moto superphone...hopefully its duel core. I hope the motopad is good too. might be a delayed christmas gidt to myself.
im waiting for that moto superphone...hopefully its duel core. I hope the motopad is good too. might be a delayed christmas gidt to myself.
The Moto "superphone" will be the MOTOPADS companion. SuperPhone= Same specs as the MOTOPAD from what I've been hearing.

Yes, that will probably make it the most powerful Android handheld to date.