The Official LG V10 Thread


Editor in Chief
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Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
This thread is for any and all discussions regarding the mysterious new LG V10. Feel free to post your thoughts, questions and tips here!
My requirements for a new device are: removable battery, microSD slot, IR blaster and a minimum 5.7" screen. After being told many times on this forum and various Android-themed Facebook pages that this kind of device would never happen again...the announcement of the V10 was a glorious day. Thought I was going to be scrounging on old Note 3s and 4s from here on out.

That being said, I'm pretty pumped for this to hit Verizon. The one thing I had a concern for looks to be a non-issue. My concern was that it has a LCD screen and with my Note 3 and the AMOLED I was wondering if I wouldn't like the difference. However in one of the hands-on videos posted in the other thread, one of the reviewers thought the V10 did have AMOLED until he actually noticed the specs and said that the QUAD LCD that LG is using is very good and compares well. I hope I will be agreeing with that guy.
I wish VZW would get on the ball and announce the official release date ;)...
This thread is for any and all discussions regarding the mysterious new LG V10. Feel free to post your thoughts, questions and tips here!

I have an LG V10 and have for about a year. I keep my phone on vibrate at work for obvious reasons. Every time a call comes in the phone automatically turns the volume back up. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?
I have an LG V10 and have for about a year. I keep my phone on vibrate at work for obvious reasons. Every time a call comes in the phone automatically turns the volume back up. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?

Welcome to the forum Kari122776. I'm not familiar with the LG specific settings on an LG V10, but that does not sound like normal Android behavior. Has your phone always done this since Day 1, or did it start after a new app was added, a new system update was installed, etc? It could be a rogue app causing the issue, an issue with a system version update, an Android OS version update, etc.