The OT report 6 August 2014


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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It's hump day and here are some of the highlights of today's news that we decided to discuss here. We talked about Jerry Jones making the news for photos of him and women young enough to be his daughter. Well I guess he gave up on the Cowboys being interesting so he turned his attention to reliving his old frat days. But Jerry was not the only person from Texas to make headlines as new coach Charlie Strong ripped the longhorn from the players practice helmets looking to try and change the culture and build a sense of team and hard work. New Coach new regime. Speaking of new regimes Toyota is trying to convince people that minivans can actually be cool ....can you say "Swagger Wagon", nope but I can say "minivan". Hey if you have Busta in your commercial it is sure to help with sells even if you can barely recognize him. Guardians of the Galaxy is still the hot topic as the public continues to rave about the movie but DC hopes to return some of that attention to their projects as they released the new release dates for BvS and the other projects they are working on. Unfortunately that will not be enough as this week Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles releases and we inch closer to the start of the football season. Plus it is hard to get worked up about a movie that is still 2 years away.

Enjoy the rest of your day and be sure to check out the clip below on your way out.