Rogue Cell X²
Liberty Rogue Cell X² revamped to add a newer battery Icon, and much more modifications to images
kejar31 and Jrummy16 - for the production of Liberty
faber78 - for all the theme tutorials and the help from before!
bouchigo - Without your help on doing the .9's i dont think i could have published this, and for the help with the clock color! i have learned alot from you thank you!
Droid Does!! - For all your help and guidance on the original Rogue Cell X
The Lock Screen doesnt seem to apply the images i made for some reason, i cannot find them, so if bouchigo or faber can see where the problem is, please let me know!
1. Download file(s) and place the .zip files on the root of your sd card
2. Reboot into Clockwork recovery
3. Go to system and mount and mount system (should read unmount if done correctly) Just to be safe I would recommended this step.
4. Install .zip from sdcard, choose zip from sdcard
5. Install RogueCellX
Liberty Rogue Cell X² revamped to add a newer battery Icon, and much more modifications to images
kejar31 and Jrummy16 - for the production of Liberty
faber78 - for all the theme tutorials and the help from before!
bouchigo - Without your help on doing the .9's i dont think i could have published this, and for the help with the clock color! i have learned alot from you thank you!
Droid Does!! - For all your help and guidance on the original Rogue Cell X
The Lock Screen doesnt seem to apply the images i made for some reason, i cannot find them, so if bouchigo or faber can see where the problem is, please let me know!
1. Download file(s) and place the .zip files on the root of your sd card
2. Reboot into Clockwork recovery
3. Go to system and mount and mount system (should read unmount if done correctly) Just to be safe I would recommended this step.
4. Install .zip from sdcard, choose zip from sdcard
5. Install RogueCellX