My friend from work got the LG Ally a month ago. She is on her third Ally and it's giving her problems to. It crashes/reboots 4 or 5 times a day. What's the deal with this phone? She is not a power user. She does not have a lot of apps on her phone. She really don't have much time to put anything on it cuz it's always shutting down on her. She was telling me that she might get a Blackberry Storm. I told her to get the original Droid while they where still in stock. The main apps that she uses is an "e reader" , yahoo messenger, a battery indicator app.....
Should she give up on the Ally? My Droid has crashed before but not 5 times a day, every day. Is this a none problem or a messed up app?
Should she give up on the Ally? My Droid has crashed before but not 5 times a day, every day. Is this a none problem or a messed up app?