Yes, the 3 digit numbers are usually preceded by a (.) period, so for instance .875 would be your version, .902 is the one you are reading about. There are lots of "unofficial leaks" of signed ROMs (ones actually developed by Motorola for the actual phone and then pulled off the servers by those with a special access tool). Sometimes the "leaks" are better than the most recent OTA Updates, other times they bring new and very difficult problems. Read up and find out which one is the most widely accepted as being stable and fixing more things than it breaks, then if you're ready to take the plunge, go for it. Just make sure you understand that in some cases flashing an "unofficial leak" ROM can take you off the upgrade path, and other times it can end in a very frustrating period of what seems to be an unrecoverable failed flash. BE BEWWY CAWEFUL to follow instructions to a "T" as laid out in the forum posts, and note any examples that went bad so you know what NOT to do. Good luck! :biggrin: