Thunderbolt problems...


Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
Troy, OH
Ok so the battery life sucks. I bought the extended battery and problem solved. There's only a handful of cases that fit the extended battery and now we have another problem.

Recently my phone has been either losing data connection all together or switching to 1x or on rare occasions 3G. I live in a 4G area and so far the network has not gone down around here. Restarts and battery pulls sometimes fix the problem fix the problem but its just temporary. Now everyday when I go to stream a video online or play a video I shot myself the video will not play and all that comes through is sound. A restart will fix this but its just temporary.

All this restarting my phone literally kills the battery because booting this beast up drains so much juice and defeats the purpose of an extended battery.

My question is I'm going to Verizon tomorrow and the phone is still under the 1 year factory warranty and I have insurance. Will I be able to swap out for another Thunderbolt or will I have to wait for them to send me a refurbished phone?
My first question is, did you buy the HTC extended battery from Verizon or an off-brand model? I bought one on eBay and experienced the same exact issues. Does putting in the old battery and stock case backing fix the issue?
I got the extended battery as well. Went to Verizon and the rep asked me what's wrong. He then looks up on the Thunderbolt Q/A on the VZW website to explain to me what is wrong.

He didn't seem to know what he was talking about. I get better advice from people on here. Oh well maybe next time the rep will be intelligent and qualified to help me.
Ok so the battery life sucks. I bought the extended battery and problem solved. There's only a handful of cases that fit the extended battery and now we have another problem.

Recently my phone has been either losing data connection all together or switching to 1x or on rare occasions 3G. I live in a 4G area and so far the network has not gone down around here. Restarts and battery pulls sometimes fix the problem fix the problem but its just temporary. Now everyday when I go to stream a video online or play a video I shot myself the video will not play and all that comes through is sound. A restart will fix this but its just temporary.

All this restarting my phone literally kills the battery because booting this beast up drains so much juice and defeats the purpose of an extended battery.

My question is I'm going to Verizon tomorrow and the phone is still under the 1 year factory warranty and I have insurance. Will I be able to swap out for another Thunderbolt or will I have to wait for them to send me a refurbished phone?

I think it totally depends on whether that store has some refurbs in stock, but I would expect to wait a day for them to overnight one to you.

However, before you do that (return the phone) you might want to try a factory hard reset. Just go to settings/privacy and make sure both Backup and Restore are checked and then do the reset. I have had tremendously good luck lately with ALL of my apps being reinstalled automatically. I've been flashing roms on my new Bionic like a mad man and have been totally wiping before each. I know nothing the factory reset does affects the radio, but there may be an app or a setting somewhere that's screwing with and it's worth a try as a last ditch effort. (just my opinion and YMMV!!).

Good luck.
Thanks Bayou. I went ahead and had them ship me a refurbished TBolt. Mine is in rough shape, a few knicks here and there from dropping it. I hate that there are no good cases for it.

I ordered some new screen protectors and ghost armor for the new one. Gonna try to be more careful with it.