Thunderbolt @ Verizon Speed Test & Impressions


Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
I was at lunch taking a quick break decided to go to VZ they told me oh yea we can't do pre orders (knew that) and I just noticed on the desk 5 thunderbolts I was like :icon_ banana::icon_eek: Can I touch it? She was like no lol then (i think her boss) was like well since its sitting there go ahead. The thing was super fast, display super bright.

And here is a pic of the Thunderbolt itself and speed tests



Bottom one is my Droid X and top is Thunderbolt

They wouldn't tell me how many they would have in stock but ill be there tommorrow morning at 9 to get mines and ill have a video up on youtube by Thursday night!

EDIT Sorry about that mods ^_^
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Its in Kbps though you ever measure your fios on that or just mbps?
NICE well out of the box thats what it can do the phone was super fast. looking at my numbers for my DX im happy that 4G is really faster but Sad that I had such a slow connection lol
Oh man I'm going to Maine tomorrow fr work gonna stop at the store there and pick it up. Then I can try out 4G on my way home through Boston :) wooohoo
Good god, 20mbps up? Those numbers look reversed.
Good god, 20mbps up? Those numbers look reversed.

I thought the same thing. I wonder how it will be impacted by an influx of new users. I thought I read the LTE is like a "many lane highway" so that hopefully speeds remain high and it isn't only like that because there is one or two phones on the network.
That sucka's a hotrod! I want it. I want it now.
I would assume they capped the download and not the upload since they say blazing speeds uploading photos videos etc.
That download was good enough to bring down websies and youtube stuff.
Known issue with the speedtest app on the phone.
The web based speed test will give you correct results.
Super high speed test results

I used speed test and got these mind blowing results. is anyone else getting speeds like this? verizon definitely over delivered
