Timeout on phone keypad.


Feb 9, 2010
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I have an issue with this. I will make a call. For banking issues or I need to enter numbers for the call. When I make a call for instance and the menu asks me to enter an account #. I will look at the phone, and if I don't hit the keypad quick enough, or enter my account # quick enough the phones screen goes blank. The I put the phone to my ear and back down. The screen will come back up, but goes out again unless I very quickly enter the numbers. I looked for a setting on my droid for this, and couldn't find one. Just a setting for the regular screen time out option. Am I missing something or are there other people that have the same problems?
There is a light sensor in the top left corner of the phone, when this sensor gets blocked (usually by your head, but you can do so with your hand too while holding the phone) it turns off the dialer screen to keep you from accidentally entering numbers or hanging up. Theres an app on the market (cant remember the name) that allows you to adjust this type of thing. Google is your friend :D

:icon_ banana::rofl3:I cant believe what I was doing! Every time I would hold the phone to enter any numbers I was covering up the sensor with my thumb! Haha! I can't believe I was doing that. That's why the screen kept going blank on me. Thanks again! It was driving me crazy!
Easily done my friend :D

When I first got my droid, I tilted it just right in the light and noticed it...at first, I thought moto was spying on me big bro style through my phone (j/k)