Tired of Caller ID displaying "Wireless Caller"?


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2011
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For some reason, this is the default for Verizon's Caller ID. Instead of your name, it says "Wireless Caller." Personally, I hate seeing that as I don't have memorized all my friends phone numbers and don't like to take calls if I don't know who it is. Too many political and other spam calls.

If you want to change that on your phone, from their site, here's how:

Configure Share Name ID

Share Name ID information is currently only displayed when calling a land line phone or another wireless carrier which is already using the service.
Any name saved in the contact list of the device will override the Share Name ID information when a call is received.
  1. Navigate to the Verizon Wireless website, enter the 10-digit mobile number and password then click Sign In.
    To register, click Register then follow the step-by-step instructions.
  2. Click More Actions.
  3. Click Share Name ID.
  4. If there is more than one device on the account, select a specific device.
  5. Select an option.Enter NameEnter the name (up to 15 characters) that is to appear when the call is placed.Verizon WirelessThe name that is on the Verizon Wireless accountWireless CallerThis is the default setting displaying the 10-digit mobile phone number.
  6. Before continuing, read the Terms and Conditions then click Submit.
  7. Click OK.
    Processing the request can take up to 24 hours.
  8. Click Close.

Thanks for the write-up! Should be very helpful in dealing with a seemingly annoying issue for Razr owners.
Isn't this for out going calls or am I reading wrong..

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Isn't this for out going calls or am I reading wrong..

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Yes, this is so when you call other people, their Caller ID reads your name, not "Wireless Caller." The caveat is, as the first two lines say:

Share Name ID
information is currently only displayed when calling a land line phone or another wireless carrier which is already using the service.

Any name saved in the contact list of the device will override the Share Name ID information when a call is received.

So if they have your name saved as "Favorite Sister" that will be what will show up or if they don't have Caller ID obviously it won't work. But generally, this is how to let them know it's you calling instead of the generic "Wireless Caller."
Note the Terms & Conditions: Your use of Name ID Services is subject to the following terms and conditions. By submitting a name for display and disclosure to others you are affirmatively asking Verizon Wireless to give your name and wireless phone number to a publicly available directory for use and distribution and you agree and consent to disclosure and use of this information by third parties.
Note the Terms & Conditions: Your use of Name ID Services is subject to the following terms and conditions. By submitting a name for display and disclosure to others you are affirmatively asking Verizon Wireless to give your name and wireless phone number to a publicly available directory for use and distribution and you agree and consent to disclosure and use of this information by third parties.

I don't care if others see wireless caller or not... if its somebody I don't know then I would leave a message anyhow..

I may how ever put up a bogus name for giggles...
"This is God"
That would definitely f with people... :)

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Note the Terms & Conditions: Your use of Name ID Services is subject to the following terms and conditions. By submitting a name for display and disclosure to others you are affirmatively asking Verizon Wireless to give your name and wireless phone number to a publicly available directory for use and distribution and you agree and consent to disclosure and use of this information by third parties.

Nice catch. I don't want my name to show up anyway (the people who I'd want to know I'm calling already have my number, so they'll see my name), but for those who might want their name to show up, I seriously doubt they'd want to be offered up to a public directory that will allow their information to be retrieved by third parties.
Nice catch. I don't want my name to show up anyway (the people who I'd want to know I'm calling already have my number, so they'll see my name), but for those who might want their name to show up, I seriously doubt they'd want to be offered up to a public directory that will allow their information to be retrieved by third parties.

Totally agree. Unfortunately, I signed up for this a few months ago. As soon as I read this, I changed it back to "wireless caller". Now I'm wondering if or how long it will take to remove my name and number from any list. :sad:

Lesson learned (again) -- always read the fine print. Nothing in life is free.
Totally agree. Unfortunately, I signed up for this a few months ago. As soon as I read this, I changed it back to "wireless caller". Now I'm wondering if or how long it will take to remove my name and number from any list. :sad:

Lesson learned (again) -- always read the fine print. Nothing in life is free.

...and you're wondering how many companies already downloaded the information from the list. :unsure:

I think what started out as a "helpful hint" thread for a little known feature has quickly turned into a "warning, don't do this" thread unless you want your name and number publicly available.
You guys might be right, but I'm not sure it means all the things feared. I've had mine set like this for months and have gotten one spam call. The same caller as before I changed my ID.. And a reverse look up on my number said it is unlisted.

So I guess it depends on how much a problem the Wireless Caller thing is, and exactly what VZ means by their TOS. I'm interested in that too and if I find out more, I'll post it. Interesting discussion, as always. :)
I wrote Verizon and got a nice reply back from Ryan. As I mentioned, I had made this change about 6 months ago and hadn't noticed any spam and my number still showed as unlisted with reverse lookup. His answer supports my experience that the Terms & Conditions aren't a back door to give your name to nefarious telemarketers or overwrite your CPNI preferences. He wrote:

The Share Name ID service allows your name to show a specific or customized name when calling another person. The directory the terms and conditions are referring to are databases that landline companies use to provide Caller ID service. Landlines and cell phones process Caller ID in different ways. When you call a cell phone, whatever that phone has your number saved is how it shows on the display. Landline phones do not typically have a locally stored address book, so they rely upon these databases to give a name to display. The directory that is being referenced are these databases, used solely for Caller ID. They are not publicly accessible and searchable like a White Pages.

Opting in to Share Name ID will not override the CPNI opt out, they are two separate entities, and Verizon Wireless will not give your information to telemarketers. The only thing that will change with using Share Name ID is that your name(or whatever you choose) will show up whenever you call somebody instead of a generic "Wireless Caller" statement. Your privacy is still very much respected, and no alterations will be made.