To buy or not to buy


Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
I have a bionic and i like it but i just dont love it. Any bionic owners out there that made the switch.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Well I didn't buy the Bionic, but I had waited for the Bionic for the 9 month delay and it really let me down(mostly the screen).

The Nexus has been great, some people do have data drop issues, luckily I haven't, but it's important to note that it's a possibility.

The screen is beautiful, it's super fast, if you love stock android it's the only phone to get honestly. The best thing is you don't have to worry about a Galaxy Nexus 2 coming out anytime soon to replace it. Google releases one Nexus per year to debut their new operating system and you'll definitely get the new OS on the Galaxy Nexus next year.
I had a bionic on launch date and switched to the nexus on launch date, couldnt be happier. The nexus really is a bad a$$ phone.
Don't even think any longer about it. Get the Nexus, it will outlast the Bionic by light years (not that the Bionic isn't good) but if nothing else the Galaxy Nexus will get support over time. Unlike other devices that will for sure fall by the way side over time. I think that we need to start looking at this phone for what it is. A device that is set up for development. It isn't perfect, but what is? Perfect isn't the point, getting better is and this phone is on track to do that. You can compare specs, download numbers, screen resolution bla bla bla but what it comes down to is how does it perform and how quick will problems or updates happen? This phone won't be left out. Mine has been spot on performance wise, and a really good user experience all the way around for me. I think MOST other users are having the same experience...not to mention what a step above the ICS OS is compared to GB 2.3 ....just my .02 cents.
I agree with the above posts. Get the GNex.

I too waited forever for the bionic, then it was finally released and I got it only to see the RAZR announced. I was a big fan of motorola since my D1 and DX so I got the RAZR after selling my bionic. Then took a chance by again trading for the GNex and its hands down the best phone I've ever owned.
An all google phone is really a treat. All this developer support is amazing.
And I feel better knowing another nexus won't be released in a month (sorry razr owners and that damn Razr Maxx)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I really like the Bionic. Coming from the DroidX it felt like a much newer smoother version of the X. The Nexus feels like a whole new ballgame in comparison though. It's been almost a month and I still have the day one excitement! It's so classy and well done top to doubt.
I had massive data drops with the Nexus and the GPS was horrible. I traded for the Rezound. Best phone I've ever had.
I actually did the opposite of most. I had the nexus and after having 2 crappy phones and having experience several other nexus's some of my family has I went to the bionic. The software and features is awesome on the nexus but other then that the phone failed miserably for me when it came down to being a phone. Got this moto and glad to be back with them.

And to add for $100 bucks cheaper I just don't think the nexus is worth the extra dough. Only thing I'm missing is ICS and we'll have it soon enough.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I am on my second Nexus, and it has the same problem as the first: randomly drops all mobile connectivity when it's idle. I'm currently attempting to negotiate an outright return so I can go back to my OG. Even if the connectivity is perfect, the device (not the software, not the nexus branding, etc) is, at best, average. There are plenty of people having real issues with this phone, and I think a lot of people view it through rose colored glasses and make light of some of its deficiencies. Truth be told, I'm one of them. If my phone could maintain a connection, I'd live with the subpar camera, weak speaker, screen banding, build quality that doesn't live up to my expectations, etc to have access to early official updates and custom ROMs.
^Were you around for the Bionic release? Exact same thing.. TONS of issues threads. And if you want the king of screen banding, that would be the Bionic! If you are lucky and get a bug free phone (and there are plenty of people who have), you will love it.