To root or not to root

On the Droid inc there is 3 boot modes fastboot, Hboot, and recovery. Hboot gives u the option of going to fastboot, factory reset,clear stirage , boot recovery and sim lock but if u have the PB31IMG it allows "hidden" options like the update I mentioned before.
Does the pro have S on and S off features?

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Oh snap I thought this was the incredible forum...sorry I usually hang out at xda so I'm a lol lost here I guess, but yes that file is for the inc. My apologiesi will move on so I don't create more confusion ={

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
No biggie. :)
Well if anyone need Droid inc support hit me up. Sorry again for the misplaced posts and good luck on ur pros ^_^

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Well if anyone need Droid inc support hit me up. Sorry again for the misplaced posts and good luck on ur pros ^_^

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
No problem.
Well crap...I thought IV had imparted some new magic unrooting file for us Pro users....oh well...:icon_ nono2:
Is there even a reason to root anymore? I mean, for me, I know there isn't. Ever since Gingerbread broke wireless tethering for root I haven't seen any advantage to it...aside from mindless tinkering, but I use my test phone for that.
Is there even a reason to root anymore? I mean, for me, I know there isn't. Ever since Gingerbread broke wireless tethering for root I haven't seen any advantage to it...aside from mindless tinkering, but I use my test phone for that.
Aside from tinkering the only other benefit that I would take advantage of (maybe) is the ability to install a ROM. But, from what I can tell there are no "ready for prime time" ROMs available for the Pro right now. There are a couple of ROMs in the works though and from reading the threads about them they are getting pretty close...some bugs to work out yet...but close.